Friday, March 11, 2011

staying high and happy amongst...criticism

it has occurred to me after recently kicking it up over on Facebook at the RAW: a food and lifestyle page, that if you put your ideas and recipes, pictures and thoughts. you are opening yourself to criticism from ALL kinds of people. luckily the only people who have joined are friends of mine or people into RAW food. here is the thing though about RAW food. there is not just one school of thought. there are many. I realize that a diet that consists of greens plus interesting nut "cheeses" and desserts that may combine fruits and nuts is not the ideal in a utopian situation. i believe that it is important to be able to be decadent at times, promote flexibility spiritually and physically and most of all to appeal to those who are SO FAR from thinking of eating just MONO meals and greens which would be the safest and strictest way to go. i believe that that may happen over night for some and NOT for others. i prefer to entice those who are eating animal flesh and processed chemical food to the other side. to what i call a plant based QWEENDOM. SO, i may make seductive "cheeses" out of nuts and seeds and my desserts might have some register on the glycemic index, BUT here is the THING, once you are comfortable and gloriously happy in my Queendom you will only naturally want to get higher. RAW food makes you feel high and happy. to continue to feel higher and happier you naturally want to lighten up on the fats (avocados, nuts and oils) and eat greens, greens, greens....
i must remember to persevere in my message, despite energetic and quite literal criticism and meet people joyously where they are at!
love to you all and please feel free to tell me where you are at if you would care for me to meet you there :) and share what i think you might add...
here's to being naturally high!


  1. I am so glad you do what you do. I am trying to adapt to the RAW lifestyle. But for me it has been hard, I have never liked any greens or most fruit, so the recipes you have given have been a great introduction into this lifestyle. Thanks so much.

  2. I have been vegan for 8 years, and I continue to 'clean' up my diet the older I get. Although I'm cooked vegan, I will go a couple of days eating raw, fruit only, salt-free, oil-free. And I definitely DO NOT eat gluten, sugar, pre-packaged, processed foods. I keep it whole foods ;)
    Now that I am gardening, I will be eating more organic, fresh veggies, fruits, and greens! I have several fruit trees growing, but it takes years for trees to establish and produce. I'm excited!
    I know you live in California, I would love to give you lots of gardening tips!! Please check out my website @ VEGANS LIVING OFF THE LAND @
